User manual - Field analyses

The interface allows one to launch the following types of field analysis:
  • Model evaluations

  • Central tendency analysis

1- Model evaluation

The user may evaluate the physical model for defined input values.

Create a new model evaluation through:
  • The Definition item in the context menu of the relevant model in the study tree

  • The Model evaluation box of the model diagram

  • The New evaluation item in the context menu of the Evaluation section


1-1 Definition

When this analysis is required, the following window appears to set its parameters.

When an evaluation is required, a window appears, in order to set up:
  • The outputs of interest (Select outputs - default: all outputs are evaluated). At least one variable must be selected to validate the window.

  • The value of the input variables (default: value in the physical model definition). The values are expected to be floating points or integer.

1-2 Launch

When the «Model Evaluation» window is validated, a new element appears in the study tree, below Evaluation.

Its context menu has the following actions:
  • Rename: Rename the analysis

  • Modify: Reopen the setting window to change the analysis parameters

  • Remove: Remove the analysis from the study

This item is associated with a window showing the parameter list, a progress bar and Run/Stop buttons, to launch or stop the analysis.


1-3 Results

When the evaluation is finished, a result window appears. This window gathers the following tabs:

  • The Result tab shows for the selected output (left column):

    • the Trajectory tab shows the output values versus the mesh vertices.
      • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters.

      • Graph interactivity:
        • Right-click to select the points of trajectories

        • Left-click to translate the graph

        • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

    • The Table tab presents the resulting output values for each mesh nodes. The table can be exported (Export button).

      • Table interactivity:
        • Left-click (optional: + Ctrl) on lines to select them

        • Left-click on column header to sort values in ascending or descending order

        • Left-click on a column header and drag it in another place to change columns order

  • The Input tab shows:

    • The Table tab reminds the input point. The table can be exported (Export button).

      • Table interactivity:
        • Left-click (optional: + Ctrl) on lines to select them

        • Left-click on column header to sort values in ascending or descending order

        • Left-click on a column header and drag it in another place to change columns order

  • The Parameters tab reminds the user of all the parameters values to perform the analysis.

  • The Model tab shows the model content used to perform the analysis.

2- Central tendency analysis

The central tendency analysis can only be performed with the MonteCarlo sampling method. In order to perform a central tendency analysis, build first a probabilistic model.

New central tendency analysis can be created thanks to:
  • the context menu of the probabilistic model item

  • the Central tendency box of the model diagram

  • the context menu of the Central tendency item (if it already exists)

2-1 Definition

When an analysis is required, a window appears, in order to set up:
  • the outputs of interest (Select outputs - default: all outputs are analyzed)

  • Stopping criteria of the algorithm (Select at least one criterion to validate the window):
    • the maximum computation time in days(d), hours(h), minutes(m) or seconds(s) (default: one minute)

    • the maximum sampling size (default: 10000, expected: integer)

  • Evaluation parameter: the block size – the number of runs launched simultaneously – for parallelization purposes (default=1; expected= integer). It must be less than the maximum sampling size.

  • Advanced Parameters (default: hidden):
    • the Karhunen-Loeve threshold (default: 1e-5, expected: float)

    • the seed of the random generator (default: 0, positive integer expected)


2-2 Launch

When the Central tendency window is validated, a new element appears in the study tree, below Central tendency.

Its context menu has the following actions:
  • Rename: Rename the analysis

  • Modify: Reopen the setting window to change the analysis parameters

  • Remove: Remove the analysis from the study

This item is associated with a window showing the parameter list, a progress bar and Run/Stop buttons, to launch or stop the analysis.


2-3 Results

When the analysis is finished or stopped, a result window appears.

The Trajectories tab, the Result/Table tab, the Bag chart tab, the Functional bag chart tab, the Input/Table tab and the Plot matrix tab are linked: when the user selects some points in one of these tabs, they are automatically selected in the other tabs.

The results window gathers the following tabs:

  • The Result tab shows for the selected output (left column):

    • the Trajectories tab shows for each input point, the output values versus the mesh vertices.
      • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters and select the trajectories to display

      • Graph interactivity:
        • Right-click to select the points of trajectories

        • Left-click to translate the graph

        • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

    • The Table tab presents the resulting output values for each input values (lines) and each mesh nodes (columns). The table can be exported (Export button).

      • Table interactivity:
        • Left-click (optional: + Ctrl) on lines to select them

        • Left-click on column header to sort values in ascending or descending order

        • Left-click on a column header and drag it in another place to change columns order

    • the Bag chart tab shows the explained variance (PC2 (=second principal component) versus PC1 (=first principal component)).
      • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters.

      • Graph interactivity:
        • Right-click to select points

        • Left-click to translate the graph

        • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

    • the Functional bag chart tab shows the 50% and 95% quantiles.
      • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters.

      • Graph interactivity:
        • Right-click to select trajectories

        • Left-click to translate the graph

        • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

    • the Mean trajectory tab shows the mean and 5% and 95% quantiles of the trajectories.
      • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters and select the trajectories to display

      • Graph interactivity:
        • Left-click to translate the graph

        • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

  • The Input tab shows:

    • The Table tab presents the input sample generated by the Monte Carlo sampling method. The table can be exported (Export button).

      • Table interactivity:
        • Left-click (optional: + Ctrl) on lines to select them

        • Left-click on column header to sort values in ascending or descending order

        • Left-click on a column header and drag it in another place to change columns order

    • The Plot matrix tab: histograms of the distribution of each variable (diagonal) and scatter plots between each couple of input variables (off-diagonal).

      • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters.

      • Graph interactivity:
        • Right-click to select points

        • Left-click to translate the graph

        • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

  • The Decomposition tab shows the result of the Karhunen-Loeve decomposition, for the selected output (left column):

    • the Modes tab shows the modes of the Karhunen Loeve decomposition.

      • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters and select the trajectories to display

      • Graph interactivity:
        • Right-click to select the points of trajectories

        • Left-click to translate the graph

        • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

    • The Eigenvalues tab presents the eigenvalues of the modes and a plot of the cumulative eigenvalue sum.

      • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters and select the trajectories to display

      • Graph interactivity:
        • Left-click to translate the graph

        • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

    • the ξi tab shows the projections of the trajectories in the Karhunen-Loeve decomposition:

      • the PDF/CDF tab presents the PDF/CDF of the ξi sample together with the distribution PDF

        • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters and select the ξi and the graphic type: PDF or CDF (default: PDF)

        • Graph interactivity:
          • Right-click to select the points of trajectories

          • Left-click to translate the graph

          • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

      • The Plot matrix tab: histograms of the distribution of each variable (diagonal) and scatter plots between each couple of ξi variables (off-diagonal).

        • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters.

        • Graph interactivity:
          • Right-click to select points

          • Left-click to translate the graph

          • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

  • The Correlation tab presents the empirical correlation of the output between the nodes of the mesh.

    • Use the Graph settings window to set up graphical parameters.

    • Graph interactivity:
      • Left-click to translate the graph

      • Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out

  • The Parameters tab reminds the user of all the parameters values to perform the analysis.

  • The Model tab shows the model content used to perform the analysis.