User manual - First steps

1- Getting started with the graphical interface

1-1 Main window


The main window of the graphical interface consists of a working space in which the other windows (model definition or result window) open, surrounded by:

  • The study tree displays the models and analyses performed in the studies. Elements are organized in sections, in bold (ex: Physical models, Evaluation, Definition), in which the user can create analyses and models.

  • The main menu bar and tool bar.

  • The Python console shown by default,

  • The Graph settings window appears when a figure is displayed in the main window to set up graphical parameters. Its content varies according to the type of graph:

  • for the Cobweb plots and the Plot matrix, the window allows to:
    • Select the variables to display and the axis order
    • Modify the space where the values are plotted with the Ranks check button (default: physical space). Check off the button to display the rank of the values
    • Export the figure
  • for the charts, the window allows to:
    • Export the figure
    • Specify the graph title (expected: string)
    • Specify axis title (expected: string) in the X-axis and Y-axis tabs
    • Depending on the graph:
      • Select data to plot
      • Modify the space where the values are plotted with the Ranks check button (default: physical space). Check off the button to display the rank of the values
      • Specify other axis parameters in the X-axis and Y-axis tabs:
        • minimum/maximum bounds (expected: floating point)
        • log scale (check button only available if axis values are positive)
        • X-axis label orientation
      • Reset the axis ranges
      • Specify the plot style: color, marker size and style (cross, circle, diamond, square, plus)

1-2 On startup

The interface startup window shows 3 items:
  • New study: Create a new study.
  • Open study: Choose an existing study from a dialog box. The loaded study becomes the current study.
  • Import Python script: Load a Python Script from a dialog box. It is impossible to load a study when another one is already opened.
  • Click on the icon infoButton to open the documentation

2- Create a study

There are several ways to create a new study:

  • Use the button New Study of the startup window

  • Click on newButton in the tool bar

  • Click on New in the file menu

  • Press Ctrl+N

When a study is created, an item appears in the study tree. This item is associated with a window which provides ways to define models:


The context menu of study item gathers the same actions as the window:

It proposes to create models:
  • Models defined with a vector function:
    • Symbolic model: Physical model defined with analytical formulas
    • Python model: Physical model defined with a Python script
    • YACS model: Physical model defined with a YACS scheme (optional)
    • FMI model: Physical model defined with a FMU file (optional)
  • Models defined with a field function:
    • Symbolic Field model: Physical model defined with analytical formulas and a mesh
    • Python Field model: Physical model defined with a Python script and a mesh
  • Models defined with a data sample:
    • Data model: Physical model defined with a sample
The context menu also allows the following actions:
  • Rename: Rename the study
  • Export Python: Choose a directory to export the study as a Python script
  • Save: Save the study
  • Close: Close the study. A pop-up dialog window appears if the study has not been saved