=========================== User manual - Data analyses =========================== The interface allows to perform the following types of data analysis: - Data analyses to get moments, minimum, maximum, PDF, etc. - Marginals inferences - Dependence inferences - Metamodels creation 1- Data analysis ================ 1-1 Creation '''''''''''' A new sample analysis can be created through: - the context menu of the **Definition** item of the data model .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dataAnalysisdefContextMenu.png :align: center - the **Data analysis** box of the model diagram .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dataModelDiagramBoxes.png :align: center When the analysis is required, a new item is added in the study tree below the data model item. Its context menu has the following actions: - **Rename**: Rename the analysis - **Remove**: Remove the analysis from the study This item is associated with a window showing a progress bar and Run/Stop buttons, to launch or stop the analysis. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dataAnalysisWindow.png :align: center .. _dataanalysisresult: 1-2 Results ''''''''''' When the analysis is finished or stopped, the following window appears. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/data_model_analysis_summary.png :align: center The window shows numerous tabs, some of which are interactively linked (**Table**, **Parallel coordinates plot**, **Plot matrix** and **Scatter plot** tabs): when the user selects points on one of these representations, the same points are automatically selected in the other tabs. - The **Summary** tab summarizes the results of the analysis, for a selected variable (left column): sample size, elapsed time, moment estimates, empirical quantiles, minimum/maximum values, input values at extremum. - The **PDF/CDF** tab presents the PDF/CDF of the variables together with a `kernel smoothing <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/data_analysis/kernel_smoothing.html>`_ representation. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters and select the graphic type: PDF (default) or CDF - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/data_model_analysis_PDF.png :align: center - The **Box plots** tab presents the `box plot <https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14524285>`_ of the variables. They are rescaled for each variable (:math:`x`), using mean (:math:`\mu`) and standard deviation (:math:`\sigma`): :math:`y = (x - \mu)/\sigma` - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/data_model_analysis_boxplot.png :align: center .. _dependenceTab: - The **Dependence** tab displays the `Spearman's matrix <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/data_analysis/spearman_coefficient.html>`_ estimate. - The cells are colored according to the value of the Spearman's coefficient. - Its context menu allows to export the table in a CSV file or as a PNG image. - Select cells and Press Ctrl+C to copy values in the clipboard .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/deterministic_analysis/doe_dependence.png :align: center - The **Table** tab shows the input/output samples. The table can be exported (**Export** button). - Table interactivity: - Left-click (optional: + Ctrl) on lines to select them - Left-click on column header to sort values in ascending or descending order - Left-click on a column header and drag it in another place to change columns order .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/deterministic_analysis/designOfExperimentTable.png :align: center - The **Parallel coordinates plot** tab displays the sample points. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <firstgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - Graph interactivity: - Left-click on columns to select curves (multiple selection possible) .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/data_model_analysis_Cobweb.png :align: center - The **Plot matrix** tab: histograms of the distribution of each variable (diagonal) and scatter plots between each couple of input/output variables (off-diagonal). - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <firstgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - Graph interactivity: - Right-click to select points - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/data_model_analysis_plotmatrixYX.png :align: center - The **Scatter plots** tab displays the scatter plot of two parameters. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters and select the variables to plot on X-axis and Y-axis (default: first output versus first input) - Graph interactivity: - Right-click to select points - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/data_model_analysis_scatterplot.png :align: center .. _inferenceAnalysis: 2- Marginals inference ====================== The inference analysis allows to perform a Bayesian Information Criterion (`BIC <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/data_analysis/bic.html>`_) and a `Kolmogorov-Smirnov <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/data_analysis/kolmogorov_test.html>`_ goodness-of-fit tests for 1-d continuous distributions. New marginals inference can be created thanks to: - the context menu of the **Definition** item of the data model .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dataAnalysisdefContextMenu.png :align: center - the **Marginals inference** box of the model diagram .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dataModelDiagramBoxes.png :align: center .. _marginalsinferencewizard: 2-1 Definition '''''''''''''' .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/inference_wizard.png :align: center When an analysis is required, a window appears, in order to set up: - the variables of interest (default: all variables are analysed) by checking off the corresponding line in the first table - the list of distributions to infer for each variable (default: Normal distribution): - The list of distributions can be different for each variable. - Click on **Apply the list of distributions to all variables** in the context menu of a variable to set up the same list of distributions to the other checked variables. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/inference_wizard_applyToAll.png :align: center - To add a distribution, click on the **Add** combo box and select a distribution of the list which appears (or all of them with the **All** item): - the distribution is added in the table - the distribution is removed from the combo box .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/inference_wizard_distributions_list.png :align: center - To remove a distribution, select it in the table and click on **Remove**. Press the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple lines. - the Kolmogorov-Smirnov level such that :math:`\alpha = 1 - {\rm level}` is the risk of committing a Type I error, that is an incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis (default: 0.05., expected: float in the range :math:`]0, 1[`) 2-2 Launch '''''''''' When the analysis is required, a new item is added in the study tree below the data model item. Its context menu has two actions: - **Rename**: Rename the analysis - **Modify**: Reopen the setting window to change the analysis parameters - **Remove**: Remove the analysis from the study This item is associated with a window displaying the list of the parameters, a progress bar and Run/Stop buttons, to launch or stop the analysis. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/inferenceWindow.png :align: center .. _marginalsinferenceresult: 2-3 Results ''''''''''' When the analysis is finished or stopped, a window appears. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/inference_resultWindow_tab_summary_PDF.png :align: center The results window gathers: - The **Summary** tab includes, for a selected variable (left column): - a table of all the tested distributions, the associated Bayesian Information Criterion value and the p-value. - The last column indicates whether the distribution is accepted or not according to the given level. - The distributions are sorted in increasing order of BIC values. - for the selected distribution: - The **PDF/CDF** tab presents the PDF/CDF of the sample together with the distribution PDF. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters and select the graphic type: PDF (default) or CDF - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out - The **Q-Q plot** tab presents the `Q-Q plot <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/data_analysis/graphical_fitting_test.html>`_ which opposes the data quantiles to the quantiles of the tested distribution. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/inference_resultWindow_tab_summary_QQplot.png :align: center - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out - The **Parameters** tab includes a table with the moments of the selected distribution and the values `estimate <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/data_analysis/parametric_estimation.html>`_ of its native parameters. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/inference_resultWindow_tab_summary_parameters.png :align: center *failed* in the **Acceptation** column means that an error occured when building a distribution with the given sample. Then, the **Parameters** tab shows the error message. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/inference_resultWindow_tab_summary_parameters_error_message.png :align: center The result can be used in the :ref:`Probabilistic model window <inferenceresultwizard>`. .. _dependenceInference: 3- Dependence inference ======================= The dependence inference allows to infer copulas on the sample of the data model. This analysis can be created thanks to: - the context menu of the **Definition** item of the relevant data model .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dataAnalysisdefContextMenu.png :align: center - the **Dependence inference** box of the model diagram .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dataModelDiagramBoxes.png :align: center .. _dependenceinferencewizard: 3-1 Definition '''''''''''''' When an analysis is required, a window appears: .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dependenceInference_wizard.png :align: center The windows allows to set up: - the groups of variables to test: - Select at least two variables of the model (left table): - Refer to the estimate of the :ref:`Spearman's matrix <dependenceTab>` in the data analysis result window to create groups - For convenience, the list of groups may be set by default thanks to this estimate (if correlation between variables exists) - Click on the right arrow: - the group is added in the second table - a third table appears with the default item *Normal* .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dependenceInference_wizardOneGroup.png :align: center - the copulas to infer on the groups: - Click on the **Add** combo box - Select a copula in the list (or all of them with the **All** item): - *For a pair of variables* : bivariate `copulas <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/user_manual/_generated/openturns.Copula.html>`_ are available (Ali-Mikhail-Haq, Clayton, Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern, Frank, Gumbel, Normal) - *For a group with more than two variables*: only the Normal copula is available (**Add** and **Remove** buttons are then disabled) .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dependenceInference_wizard_copulaList.png :align: center To remove a group: - Select a group in the second table - Click on the left arrow 3-2 Launch ''''''''''' When the analysis is required, a new item is added in the study tree below the data model item. Its context menu has the following actions: - **Rename**: Rename the analysis; - **Modify**: Reopen the setting window to change the analysis parameters; - **Remove**: Remove the analysis from the study. This item is associated with a window displaying the list of the parameters, a progress bar and Run/Stop buttons, to launch or stop the analysis. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/copulaInferenceWindow.png :align: center .. _dependenceinferenceresult: 3-3 Results ''''''''''' When the analysis is finished or stopped, a window appears: .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/copulaInference_resultWindow_tab_summary_PDF.png :align: center The window gathers: - The **Summary** tab includes, for a selected set of variables: - a table of all the tested copulas - for the selected copula: - the **PDF/CDF** tab presents, for each pair of variables, the PDF/CDF of the sample together with the distribution PDF. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters and select the graphic type: PDF (default) or CDF - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out - the **Kendall plot** tab presents a visual fitting test for each pair of variables using the `Kendall plot <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/data_analysis/graphical_fitting_test.html>`_. This plot can be interpreted as a QQ-plot (for marginals): the more the curve fits the diagonal, the more adequate the dependence model is. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/copulaInference_resultWindow_tab_summary_Kendall.png :align: center - the **Parameters** tab includes the parameters `estimate <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/data_analysis/parametric_estimation.html>`_ of the selected copula. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/copulaInference_resultWindow_tab_summary_parameters.png :align: center - *For the Gaussian copula*: the tab displays the `Spearman's coefficients <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/data_analysis/spearman_coefficient.html>`_. - *'-'* in the **BIC** column means that an error occured when building a copula with the given sample. Then, the **Parameters** tab shows the error message. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/copulaInference_resultWindow_tab_summary_parameters_ErrorMessage.png :align: center The result can be used in the :ref:`Probabilistic model window <dependenceinferenceresultwizard>`. 4- Metamodel creation ====================== To perform this analysis, the data model or the design of experiments must contain an output sample. A new metamodel can be created in 4 different ways: - the context menu of a design of experiments item .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/doe_eval_ContextMenu.png :align: center - the **Metamodel creation** box of a physical model diagram .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/physicalModel_Diagram_metamodelBox.png :align: center - the context menu of the **Definition** item of a data model .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dataAnalysisdefContextMenu.png :align: center - the **Metamodel creation** box of a data model diagram .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/dataModelDiagramBoxes.png :align: center .. _metamodelwizard: 4-1 Definition '''''''''''''' When an analysis is required, a window appears, in order to set up: - the outputs of interest (**Select outputs** - default: all outputs are analyzed) - the method: polynomial regression (default), functional chaos or kriging .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_wizard.png :align: center 4-1-1 Linear regression ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The **Linear regression** window allows to define: - **Parameters**: polynomial degree (default: 1, expected: integer in [1, 2]), interaction terms (if degree>1 only) Refer to :class:`~persalsys.PolynomialRegressionAnalysis` for implementation details. 4-1-2 Functional chaos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_functional_chaos_wizard.png :align: center The **Functional chaos parameters** window allows to define: - **Parameters**: chaos degree (default: 2, expected: integer greater or equal to 1) - **Advanced Parameters** (default: hidden): sparse chaos (default: not sparse) Refer to :class:`~persalsys.FunctionalChaosAnalysis` for implementation details. 4-1-3 Kriging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_kriging_wizard.png :align: center The **Kriging parameters** window allows to define: - **Parameters**: - *The type of covariance model*: Squared exponential (default), Absolute exponential, Generalized exponential, Matérn model - *Parameters of the covariance model* (default: hidden, visible if a model is choosen): - **Generalized exponential**: parameter **p**, exponent of the euclidean norm (default: 1., positive float expected) .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/kriging_p_parameter.png :align: center - **Matérn**: coefficient **nu** (default: 1.5, positive float expected) .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/kriging_nu_parameter.png :align: center - *The type of the trend basis*: Constant (default), Linear or Quadratic - **Advanced Parameters** are accessible for model covariance optimization (default: hidden): - Optimize the covariance model parameters (default: checked) - Scales for each input (default: 1): To edit the scales, click on the "**...**" button to generate the input variables table and their scale through a wizard. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/kriging_scale_wizard.png :align: center - Amplitude of the process (default: 1., positive float expected) Refer to :class:`~persalsys.KrigingAnalysis` for implementation details. 4-1-3 Validation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the following window, the generated metamodel can be validated, with three different methods: - *Analytically* (default): This method corresponds to an approximation of the Leave-one-out method result. - For more information about Kriging, see O. Dubrule, Cross Validation of Kriging in a Unique Neighborhood, Mathematical Geology,1983. - For more information about Functional chaos, see G. Blatman, Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansions for uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis., PhD thesis. Blaise Pascal University-Clermont II, France, 2009. - *Using a test sample*: The data sample is divided into two subsamples, by picking points randomly (default seed = 1): training sample (default: 80% of the sample points) and test sample (default: 20% of the sample points). A new metamodel is built with the training sample and is validated with the test sample. - *Using the* `K-Fold <http://openturns.github.io/openturns/latest/theory/meta_modeling/cross_validation.html>`_ *method*: Define the number of folds (default: 5, expected: integer greater than 1) and specify how the folds are generated (default seed:1). .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_validation_page.png :align: center 4-2 Results ''''''''''' When the window is validated, a new element appears in the study tree below the data model item or the design of experiments item. The context menu of this item contains these actions: - **Rename**: Rename the analysis - **Modify**: Reopen the setting window to change the analysis parameters - **Convert metamodel into physical model** (default: disabled, enabled when the analysis is successfully finished): Add the metamodel in the study tree - **Remove**: Remove the analysis from the study This item is associated with a window displaying the list of the parameters, a progress bar and Run/Stop buttons, to launch or stop the analysis. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModelWindow.png :align: center .. _functionalchaosresult: 4-2-1 Functional chaos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_result_window_plot.png :align: center The results window gathers: - The **Metamodel** tab shows different information about the selected output (left column): - Number of points - Relative error: :math:`\displaystyle rel = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^N (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2}{\sum_{i=0}^N {(y_i - \bar{y})^2}}` - Residual: :math:`\displaystyle res = \frac{\sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^N (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2}}{N}`. - The fitting curve between the physical model output values (**Real otput values**) and the metamodel values (**Prediction**). The reference diagonal (in black) is built with the physical model output values. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out - The **Results** tab presents different parameter, for a selected output (left column): - first and second order moments - polynomial basis: dimension, maximum degree, full/truncated size - part of variance explained by each polynom .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_result_window_moments.png :align: center - The **Sobol indices** tab includes, for a selected output (left column): - The graphic representation of the first and total order indices for each variable. Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - A summary table with the first and total order indices. - Table interactivity: - Select cells and Press Ctrl+C to copy values in the clipboard - Left-click on column header to sort values in ascending or descending order. Sorting the table will automatically sort the indices on the graph. - The index corresponding to the interactions (below the table). .. |attentionButton| image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/probabilistic_analysis/task-attention.png If the Sobol's indices estimates are incoherent, an |attentionButton| will appear in the table. It is advised to refer to the associated warning message (tooltip of the |attentionButton|). .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_result_window_sobol_indices.png :align: center - The **Validation** tab (default: hidden; visible if a metamodel validation is required) shows for each method and selected output: - The metamodel predictivity coefficient: :math:`\displaystyle Q2 = 1 - \frac{\sum_{i=0}^N (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2}{\sum_{i=0}^N {(\bar{y} - y_i)^2}}` - The residual: :math:`\displaystyle res = \frac{\sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^N (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2}}{N}`. - *K-Fold* and *Test sample*: A plot showing the relation between the output values (physical model) and the predicted metamodel values. The relation is compared to a reference diagonal built with the physical model output values. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_result_window_LOO_plot.png :align: center - *Analytical*: the Q2 value .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/FC_analyticalValidation.png :align: center - The **Parameters** tab summarizes the parameters of the metamodel creation. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_result_window_parameters.png :align: center .. _krigingresult: 4-2-2 Kriging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_result_window_kriging_plot.png :align: center The results window gathers: - The **Metamodel** tab shows for a selected output the graphic relation between output values from the physical model (**Real output values**) and metamodel values (**Prediction**). The reference diagonal (in black) is built with the physical model output values. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out - The **Results** tab presents the optimized covariance model parameters and the trend coefficients. .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_result_window_kriging_results.png :align: center - If a metamodel validation is required, a **Validation** tab appears for the selected method and output: - The residual: :math:`\displaystyle res = \frac{\sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^N (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2}}{N}`. - The metamodel predictivity coefficient: :math:`\displaystyle Q2 = 1 - \frac{\sum_{i=0}^N (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2}{\sum_{i=0}^N {(\bar{y} - y_i)^2}}` - A plot showing the relation between the output values (physical model) and the predicted metamodel values. The relation is compared to a reference diagonal built with the physical model output values. - Use the :ref:`Graph settings <secondgraphsettings>` window to set up graphical parameters. - Graph interactivity: - Left-click to translate the graph - Mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/zoom out .. image:: /user_manual/graphical_interface/data_analysis/metaModel_result_window_LOO_plot.png :align: center - The **Parameters** tab summarizes the parameters of the metamodel creation.